Apart from the regular math circle sessions, following are activities conducted by the Palakkad Math Circle team.

Lock & Key Summer Puzzle Series (1 May to 30 May 2024)

IIT Palakkad and LUCA launched a summer puzzle series Lock-n-Key in May 2024. The series ran from May 1 to May 30 and the puzzles were made available in both English and Malayalam. There were 3 puzzles released on each day (1 easy, 1 medium, 1 hard) and students can submit answers on the same day by 9 pm. There were 4 interactive sessions (with live puzzle solving and discussion on previous puzzles). Check out the puzzles here.
Lock & Key Puzzle Series Lock & Key Puzzle Series Lock & Key Puzzle Series

Building Partnerships in Science (18 Mar 2024)

This was a panel discussion organized with the aim of understanding how IIT Palakkad as an institute could build better partnerships with agencies that work in school education. The panel consisted of invited experts Dr. Jahnavi Phalke, Dr. N. Shaji, Sh. C Riswan, Dr. B Shaji and Dr. P Shaiju.

As the founding director of Science Gallery, Bengaluru, Dr. Jahnavi Phalke offered her experience of enabling a proactive public engagement in science, through designing research festivals, interdisciplinary exhibitions, and other public events bringing together the sciences, engineering, art and culture. Dr. N. Shaji and Sh. C Riswan shared their rich experience of science popularization at the grassroots level through their pioneering roles in the Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP) and as editors of the popular science magazine LUCA. Dr. B Shaji and Dr. P Shaiju talked about their hands-on involvement in the programs of Samagra Shishsha Keralam (SSK) that span the entire Kerala state. Drawing inspiration and ideas from these luminaries, some potential areas were identified where IIT Palakkad can contribute to these partner agencies.

Making Connections in Mathematics (27 Feb 2024)

This was a workshop for school teachers with the objective of enabling them to make connections across various apparently disparate mathematical ideas and be apprised of the mathematics underlying everyday activities including art. The sessions focussed on visual representations of abstract ideas from higher secondary school syllabus. There was also a demonstration of elements of mathematics present in music which is also encountered in secondary and senior secondary mathematics textbooks.
Math & Music Making Connections in Mathematics Math & Music
The workshop was attended by 42 teachers from schools in Palakkad and 2 block resource personnel. The sessions were anchored by external experts. The music and mathematics session brought together a team of musicians and a mathematics expert.

One-Day Attachment Programme at C-SiS (10 Feb 2024)

The palakkad math circle students were taken to the one-day attachment program at the Centre for Science in Society (C-SiS). C-SiS is a center for the popularization of science and technology located on the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) campus.
The centre aims to create scientific awareness among students through play models, science labs, math lab and science parks where students can see the theories that they have encountered in the textbooks come alive.

School Teachers Workshop & Pilot Sessions in Schools (Dec 2019-Feb 2020)

A one-day workshop for high school mathematics teachers from Palakkad was organized on 14 December 2019. This workshop provided an opportunity to interact with prominent educators with diverse experience in mathematics education. It served as a precursor to Palakkad Math Circle and provided a platform to plan and organize a pilot run of math circles in few selected schools during Jan-Feb 2020.
Math Teachers Workshop 2019 Pilot Session 2020 Math Teachers Workshop 2019